Catch my next talk at DevIgnition on Nov 7!

Tyler Benfield

Upcoming Events

Write Once, Stream Everywhere: Transforming Your Data into Events

Nov 7, 2024 in Alexandria, Virginia

On this episode of "things you didn't know your database could do", we're going to power live updates, real-time notifications, change history, and more from data you already capture.

We'll explore the power of change data capture for turning you database into an event hub for your app. We'll take a look how different databases approach the problem, then dive into PostgreSQL to see it in action. Spoiler: we're going to trick the database into replicating itself to code that we control, making every change in the database available to our app. As crazy as that sounds, it's actually a proven, reliable solution with several tools available to implement it for us. We'll take a look at those too so you can start building database event driven apps today.

By the end of this talk, you'll understand the benefits of change data capture, learn how to implement it through logical replication, and see how to put it into practice in your app to power all your event-driven workflows.

Past Events

Epic App Performance Starts with the Database

April 11, 2024 in Park City, Utah

Your app is only as fast as its slowest query.

In this session, we'll explore the vital role database tuning plays in your app's user experience. You'll gain a pragmatic understanding of database indexing and hear real stories from using these tips in the wild. Get ready to level-up your database skills. When we're done, you'll be equipped to make your app performance epic.