Tyler Benfield

Tyler Benfield

How I use React Context

October 3, 2020

React's Context API is extemely versatile and provides an excellent primitive for building on top of. That said, I've found that many experienced React developers are still looking for a pattern for using context that they like. I thought I'd share my approach, particularly for shared-state contexts.

import * as React from "react";
// Define a type for the context result
// Note that the state is a field within this type and you need a container type with set functions
export interface MyContext {
// You can have any number of fields here and any type
someState: string;
// Make sure to have a callback version if you need to compute from previous state
setSomeState(value: string): void;
// I don't normally export context so that it can't be consumed outside of this file
// Also, add null or undefined here unless there is a reasonable default (typically not for shared-state)
const context = React.createContext<MyContext | null>(null);
// Be sure to set displayName for better debugging
context.displayName = "MyContext";
// Export a provider that sets up the shared state
export const MyContextProvider: React.FC = ({ children }) => {
const [someState, setSomeState] = React.useState<string>("");
const value: MyContext = {
return <context.Provider value={value}>{children}</context.Provider>;
// Export a hook to consume the context
// This is nice for controlling how the context is used
export function useMyContext(): MyContext {
const value = React.useContext(context);
// Check for null/undefined to see if provider was used
if (!value) {
// Throw an error to fail early if used improperly
throw new Error(
"useMyContext can only be used in a descendent of MyContextProvider",
} else {
// value can't be null/undefined
return value;
// If needed, you can export a HOC or render prop (context.Consumer) version as well
// I typically avoid that and only use hooks unless absolutely necessary

That's it! I've got a few more tips to go along with this though.

First, avoid having multiple set functions that would typically be called back-to-back. Multiple state updates can less efficient and cause unnecessary rerenders. Instead, pull those kind of values into a single useState call and expose functions on the context for easily setting the values together. The API you expose on the context type does not have to be identical to useState, so play around and find an API that makes the most sense for your use case.

Second, take some time to learn about useDispatch and how it compares to useState. For more complex workflows or those that resemble state machines, you can expose a strongly-typed dispatch function on your context value instead of set functions. This can help address the multiple set calls from the previous tip while also preventing invalid states.

Finally, if your shared-state is typically set by a component that does not consume the value (a scenario I've found is rare), you can further optimize by having separate context instances for setters and getters. Kent C. Dodds has a great blog post on this called How to use React Context Effectively. Kent's approach eliminates unnecessary rerenders in components that only need the setters and not the state values themselves.

I hope sharing my approach to using React Context for shared state has been helpful!